Bara en massa ord så no need to read!
Now, you might wonder what the hell happened with this blog as it's now written in some kind of Englishishlike language? It's all about my complex (some might object and call it disturbed) mind as some words just don't sound that good in Swedishish. This morning, driving to work, I was minding my own mind (no business) and had close to an ephiffany. In Swedish this would translate to "uppenbarelse" as in revelation but as this is more related to a religious experience, than I believe the expression ephiffany is, and I'm objecting to all religious thinking, I really can't find a good translation and as such I write as I please. The ephiffany? Driving totally legal (some might object to this as well), well at least adhering to the speed limits, I for the first time find myself driving in the right lane. It's actually remarkable as I normally always (at least used to) drive in the far left lane, always going faster than most, and only occupy the right lane when there’s no other vehicle in sight. Today I where terribly cautious not to be stopped for speeding, or any other traffic violation that said, only visited the left lane for a few seconds passing two slow moving trucks. You might think this is a non-happening but I assure you it’s a big thing in Leifz world of masterminding the surrounding world, and something to remember during the next 319 days. He, he, he. Writing this it strikes me, is ephiffany a word or just a slang expression? Can’t find it in any dictionary so my own usage of the word is just based on watching American movies. Or is it a word but I spelled it wrong? I really don’t care so don’t bother comment as it’ll just be a waste of your time,
Easter weekend coming up and I’m looking forward to, eh, nothing, or is it maybe lack of something? Could be that we’ll take a tour to the shooting range would the weather be as it should, meaning sunny, warm and “windless”. In Swedish it’d be “wind calm” but that doesn’t sound quite right in English does it? No need to comment on this either, or anything else for that matter.
Now, you might wonder what the hell happened with this blog as it's now written in some kind of Englishishlike language? It's all about my complex (some might object and call it disturbed) mind as some words just don't sound that good in Swedishish. This morning, driving to work, I was minding my own mind (no business) and had close to an ephiffany. In Swedish this would translate to "uppenbarelse" as in revelation but as this is more related to a religious experience, than I believe the expression ephiffany is, and I'm objecting to all religious thinking, I really can't find a good translation and as such I write as I please. The ephiffany? Driving totally legal (some might object to this as well), well at least adhering to the speed limits, I for the first time find myself driving in the right lane. It's actually remarkable as I normally always (at least used to) drive in the far left lane, always going faster than most, and only occupy the right lane when there’s no other vehicle in sight. Today I where terribly cautious not to be stopped for speeding, or any other traffic violation that said, only visited the left lane for a few seconds passing two slow moving trucks. You might think this is a non-happening but I assure you it’s a big thing in Leifz world of masterminding the surrounding world, and something to remember during the next 319 days. He, he, he. Writing this it strikes me, is ephiffany a word or just a slang expression? Can’t find it in any dictionary so my own usage of the word is just based on watching American movies. Or is it a word but I spelled it wrong? I really don’t care so don’t bother comment as it’ll just be a waste of your time,
Easter weekend coming up and I’m looking forward to, eh, nothing, or is it maybe lack of something? Could be that we’ll take a tour to the shooting range would the weather be as it should, meaning sunny, warm and “windless”. In Swedish it’d be “wind calm” but that doesn’t sound quite right in English does it? No need to comment on this either, or anything else for that matter.
otroligt svårt att inte kommentera. en obloggad åsikt är också en åsikt, glöm inte det. och att du överhuvutaget kan tro att NÅGON skulle överväga att du är mer störd än komplexfylld? Hallå! Cred för Journey omslaget dock
SvaraRadera"Driving to work"?????? Sedan när då?
SvaraRaderaHan har kanske lånat dotterns moppe? Eller uffes golfbil?